Saturday, July 7, 2012

Acadia to Bangor, ME

Acadia is probably one of the lushest places I have ever been.  Green trees for as long as the eyes can see.  Bar harbor is a real cute little town that sits pretty much right in the park.  They got it real good there...

From Acadia we headed to Bangor Maine to see some music.  Moe. (one of my favorite bands) and government mule (warren haynes from Allman brothers' new band) were playing together on the river.

We, luckily, got to stay the night right on the river for free.  Here on some pics of that

And this is what your feet looks like after a show



  1. I agree Bar Harbor is a charming little town. Those are some really dirty feet. Good thing you travel with your own shower. :-)

  2. Britni- Hope your hands didn't look like your feet! Goofy girl! Love ya.
