Monday, June 11, 2012


Good old DC.  Personally, I was definitely was looking forward to DC being a political science major and history lover.  Britni... maybe not so much of a lover of those two things... but DC has a way of making a liker out of anyone...

In DC we decided to do it right.  Kinda forced by a complete lack of alternatives we decided to stay at what I might consider the Bellagio or Venetian of RV parks  The Cherry Hill rv park.  Im talking about like multiple swimming pools, sauna, hot tub, miniature golf course.  Real cool place....Resort-like

Oh yeah.. DC .. lol :)  

DC was great.  Spent two days there.  Day one was seeing the sights (walking around to the white house, washington monument, lincoln memorial, veterans memorial and other government buildings downtown).   Day two doing the museums.  Of the museusm the natural history museum was the decided favorite (well Britni being the Anthro we might have guessed that :) ... ).  But I really enjoyed the place.  Exhibits of the origins of life as we know it.  From fish to mammals to gems.  Really interesting.  (PS that gem collections is crazy!!!! make any gem loving hippie.. which most of them are... in downright heaven). 

Oh yeah best part.. museums are free :)

Now I have said how I dislike cities... but the trend might be changing a bit with DC.  Of course we only walked around in the very heart of it... but pretty darn nice.  Great public trans, friendly people, gorgeous buildings.  Heck even the post office looks like a palace (guess we know where some of my tax dollars are going).   But we def enjoyed it there..

 Tomorrow we end the eastward trend we have been on for the last month and head north.

(pictures will follow once we get somewhere with some faster internet)

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