Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Bama'd the appalachians for a perfect Tenn

Delfest!!!  Officially now over :(  So sad.  But good times dancing to my favorites ... Greensky, yonder, emmitt nershi, leftover salmon, sam bush, del mccoury.  Although my feet do be hurting a little bit now.   But that is ok... lots of time for them to recoup as we don't have much music for the next week or two.  (Well maybe my left foot as the right will be pushing on that gas pedal).

Getting to delfest brought some interesting sights.  Had my first firefly experience at Lake Lurleen in Alabama .  Crazy little buggers flashing up the night sky are as pretty as can be.  It kinda makes you think you are hallucinating at first... but then provides entertainment for hours :)  Free and healthy entertainment at that...the best kind

From Alabama we headed through the east side of Tennessee out to West Virginia. In Tennessee we stopped off at the Lost sea in Sweetwater...  home to caverns and the largest underground lake in the world.  The caverns were alright (always cool to see caverns but pretty meh compared to others), but the underground lake was awesome.  You take a boat ride out onto this majestic blue water which acutally has rainbow trout in them (tons of them which you can see).  As these trout lack any natural predators (cus there aight sheet down there) they are the largest trout in the world... growing up to 16 lbs ( that sentence was a little tour guide status... minus the parentheses part of course.  No cussing!  You know any lost sea managers out there...  I will be looking for a job here in the future... hit me up!).  But to ruin it for everybody.. the water is lit blue by manmade lights and the trouts were installed to see if there was any exit to the underground lake (which there is not).  So now they just live there and there are fed by the tour guides to keep them alive (of course don't think they would want me bringing this up in the tour).  Still really cool though.

From Tennessee we pushed it through West Virginia.  Good old West virginia.  Always been a sports fan... but I now understand why the university of West virginia has the mascot of the mountaineers.  West virginia is home never ending rolling mountains of lush green trees.  And never ending might be an understatement.... We would make it up one hill ... then another would follow.  Multiply that statement by a thousand and it starts to describe.  Truly epic... (of course when you're driving a 1991 Ford motor home trying to get charge it to the other side.. little bit of nervous eesshka involved.  But never a doubt delilah... love ya.).  I come from living in the Redwood forest... but those Appalachians in west virginia might be some of the most untouched lands I've ever seen. 

Today we head up to address the sights of Gettysburg Pennsylvania.  Might be a day late for memorial day but definitely not a dollar short to catch up on a little civil war history.  I'll be sure to take a some pictures.  :) 

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